Tuesday, November 06, 2007

A Sell-Out of Sorts

Well folks tonight i deemed myself a sell-out. Now, that is not to say things will remain this way, but for tonight....a sell-out am I. It all started Friday morning when I rolled over in my cozy warm bed and heard the recycle truck picking up the recycle bin. I thought to myself, "Oh no! i forgot to take the trash and recycle to the curb last night!" So i threw on my robe and rushed out hoping what I had heard was the truck down the street. Well, as the day went on i found out that, yes, it was indeed our Recycle Truck that woke me that morning. All this to say, now, Tuesday evening, our Recycle Bin is filled to over flowing. We have two recycle bags full in the garage waiting for next week. So tonight i was faced with having to throw away cardboard, two cans, a plastic container and a glass jar. It was dreadful, just dreadful. To make it worse I noticed how simply throwing those away eliminated having to rinse them and discard the labels and made dish doing a little less. WHAT AM I THINKING....i will not let these thoughts win!
If you come to our home much, there are a couple things you know well. One, i love the fact that you can freely and easily recycle in Fort Worth. Two, i am obsessed with baking, so a homemade dessert of sorts is always awaiting. Well folks sell-out number two happened within minutes of the aforementioned selling-out. I have this thing, I can not get my self to make cookies from those little bags of pre-made-just-add-butter-and-a-egg bags...i just cant do it. But Monday at the store i was feeling the exhaustion of pregnancy and was in the baking isle buying my usual baking goods. In said isle, i happened upon the bag-o-cookies section. I thought to myself, I would really like to make some cookies but i have no energy, this is just the trick. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME! So tonight while i was busy ruining the environment by not recycling, i made cookies FROM THE BAG....what is happening to my life?
the worst part....the cookies were really good.


Amanda said...

I'm surprised a lightning bolt didn't come down right in your kitchen! You deserve to take some shortcuts while your body is busy growing a new person. Remember when Joey becomes a vegetarian so that Phoebe can eat meat while she's pregnant? Maybe you can find someone to recycle and bake from scratch on your behalf for the next 7 months. Hmmm, maybe you need a year.

Krystal said...

Ahh the fast lane of motherhood, second pregnancy and all the glory in between! If you feel the need to send some of those blessed bag cookies our way, feel FREE sister! We love them in any sort they come!

Janelle and Ella said...

I don't think you need to feel bad for ONE second. I can only imagine taking care of a toddler AND feeling the sickness of pregnancy. I think you are doing a fabulous job!

FitzandMolly said...

girl, there is no shame in taking a short cut. i used to judge people who ate lean cuisines for meals, thinking that they were too lazy to make themselves something good. then i had a baby. it's not laziness. if i'm going to make something for myself, it's going to be chocolate. i decided to be kinder to my hind end and get the lean cuisines.

Andrea Bowman said...

i thought you were going to say you're a sell out because you like the view ;) just kiddin! you know i love you

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? Those bag cookies are DELICIOUS!!! I particularly like the oatmeal chocolate chip and the peanut butter--just add a hershey kiss. . .yum-my! You are super-mom, friend!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the dark side, Amber. :)

Lori, Landon and Logan said...

You have already experienced the short cuts you take just to survive having two or more children.
Okay it's really not bad (I didn't say it's not hard) it's wonderful and you start to realize why they make all those options available such as the cookies. You should get a tub of Kettle Kettle cookie dough though... yum!