X week was fun and relaxed. EVERYONE else we know was on Spring Break this week so we stopped school many times to meet up with friends or have people over. This is one of my favorite things about homeschooling! SO MUCH FLEXIBILITY! Especially if you are diligent to work ahead. I had originally planned to take Spring Break the same week as all our friends but we decided to go to Missouri a couple weeks ago instead. Taking some time off this week didn't put a big dent in Titus' curriculum goals but we will definitely not be done by Mid-April like we had hoped. It will be the beginning of May for Math and History but all the others he will be done by the end of April. As for Justus with Pre-School, I will probably move into some shapes/numbers weeks to help him while Titus finishes up but since Titus will be down to 2 subjects I won't need a lot of time filled for Justus.
For X week we did John 3:3, "Except a man be born again, he will not see the Kingdom of God." This was a fantastic verse to ask questions that lead back to the Gospel like, "what is the Kingdom of God?" "How can a man be born again?" Titus really dialoged well and asked some good questions himself. He remembered the story from John 3 about Nicodemous so I let him recount it to us before we read it from Scripture.

Our God is Faithful board said, "God is Faithful, You can have New Life." We just continued to ask questions and let Titus talk out what was in his heart and mind about being born again and about the Kingdom of God and about New Life. We would redirect when we needed too. It was GREAT conversations!
For Justus' Pre-School work we did X is for X-Ray. Vernon's mom was a long time X-Ray Tech in a hospital and is always talking to the boys about X-Rays. Knowing X was coming up, she kindly sent us an X-ray of her hands. It was a HUGE hit!
I had Justus hold it up to the light then pull it away from the light so he could see how it worked.
Then I had him say the body part that was in the picture and point at the bones and we talked about the bones in his hands.
So for his Letter project we made an X out of bones to look like and X-Ray::
I had super hoped to do an "X marks the spot!" activity but we never got around to it....maybe next year :)
We did some book work while Titus did his book work::
And of course :: Play-doh::
We also learned a lesson this week. Never go to the zoo on Spring Break week! We had a GREAT time with friends but the Zoo was PACKED!!! Whoa, y'all. PACKED.
Only a few more weeks of posting on the Letter of The Week. I can't believe I have stuck with this! ha! But I am so glad I have. I hope you have enjoyed it and got some ideas along the way!
Happy Schooling!