Well, as you may have guessed from the lag in my blog, we like to slow WAY down in the spring so that the boys can spend plenty of time outside. We only have 18 lessons left with Titus' Math & History curriculum and all of his other subjects we will easily finish up in the next two weeks. SO for Justus' Pre-School, I just try to have him busy sitting with us at the table while Titus is working on a few subjects then I let him enjoy the outside before its so blazing hot that he can't! So for the letter Y we spread it out over a couple of weeks. (hence the lack of blogging)
For our Y memory verse we worked on Psalm 139:1-2, "O Lord You have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I stand up. You understand my thoughts from far away." This is such a great verse, one I hope they hold in their hearts for as long as they live! I asked the boys how they felt about knowing God sees them, knows them and knows what they are going to do even before it is done. It was fun hearing their answers (well, Titus' answer I guess because Justus rarely has much to say).

For our "God is Faithful" board we did, "God is Faithful, You can be known." I obviously took this straight from the verse. We talked about how friends will come and go and they are a good thing, a gift from God, but only God will truly always know you. We talked about how God knows us even better than we know ourselves. This was a great conversation!
For our Pre-School Y week(s) we focused on the color Yellow and tried to incorperate it in as many ways as I could.
For math we used yellow foam sticks for counting. Then I made a simple number game out of them where I would say the number and he would have to pick out that stick then place them in number order in front of him. (this took maybe 1 minute to come up with and make...colored foam sticks are so useful and cheap to keep around!)

For writing we wrote with a Yellow marker in our Letter work books ::
and practiced writing our name on yellow paper::
For motor skills we stamped Ys on Yellow paper::
and glued Ys to yellow paper for our word list::

and we arranged yellow foam sticks into a Y and glued it on a paper::

And for FUN we got a Yellow ticket to ride a Yellow train::

For our Y letter project we glued Yarn on to a letter Y::

One morning after we had done a good deal of school and were about to leave for the gym, we did a Yelling contest! We thought of words we could yell that started with a Y. We ended up yelling, Yes! and Yay! Here is a funny picture of them yelling!
As I mentioned earlier, we stretched this unit out over a couple weeks so we could play out side and enjoy the amazing weather. This was conveniently Y week and we got to add Yard to our list of words that start with the letter Y. Here are some of the many, many things they did in the yard::
Lots of dirt, mud, soccer, water, bubbles, hunting and chasing animals and insects happened of the last few weeks!Lastly, we went to a long awaited science exhibit at our local Science Museum called Grossology. It was full of all things gross. We went as our Y "field trip" for the word "YUCK!" and they actually did say, "YUCK!" alot! ha!
Other than that we did some painting and writing practice and I am sure a host of other things I did not get photographed and have escaped my memory! :)
Here is a final shot as I close out this Y unit blog.
This is what our kitchen table generally looks like on a school day. :)
Fun and crazy. (and notice the coffee) Hope you are enjoying schooling! I would love to hear what yall are up too this spring as you finish up the year with your kiddos!
Happy Schooling!