N is for Noses, Nails and Narwhals
We took the last week off to travel north, so this blog is my attempt to document our schooling from two weeks ago. (we have been traveling for 2 days & just got home tonight so...no promises but I will try my best)
N week marked our last "official" week of the semester although we plan to school this following week, take one week off then continue right along through the end of December & early January with the hopes of a spring ending for school OR a much slower pace during the spring so there can be LOTS of outside play!
If you have been following all semester you know we have been doing a "God is Faithful" board to go along with our memory verse in hopes of adding a practical level to verse memory application. Our verse for N week was Romans 8:39, "No height, nor depth, nor any created thing will have the power to separate us from the Love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!" We talked about the profound comfort found in this verse. This verse opened a great conversation about Salvation as Titus asked about the end of the verse saying "in Christ our Lord." Our board said, "God is Faithful, You can have confidence." We talked about how knowing the depth of God's love for us and the power it has over all created things gives us confidence to be who God made us to be.
Here is our board and the books we had out for N::

We, as adults, thought this was way more fun than Justus did. I will definitely REdo this next year when he is old enough to think its funny or potentially funny. He liked it but it was more "to the point" rather than "funny" like I hoped. :)
For Justus' Letter project I was extremely stumped for N. The only thing I could think of was a Narwhal. It turned out hilarious!! It looks like a random Greek myth character. hahaha!!

Hilariously, he LOVED it. We looked at Narwhal pictures and talked about them a lot. Friday night, to celebrate the end of semester, we went to see the movie Arthur Christmas. (which we loved and recommend) One of the scenes has Narwhals jumping in and out of the icy water and Justus went crazy! He started screaming, "It's a Narwhal, Mom!!!"
By far Justus' favorite N activity was Nails & Nailing. This was a bit of a risk on my part, as I chose to teach my three year old how to use a hammer. :) I pressed nails into a box then showed him how to hammer the nails. I attempted to make the nails in the shape of an N. It didn't really end up looking like an N...but hey...he loved it!
I had lofty plans of doing N is for Nativity but sadly, we never really did that. We have been talking about advent and the Christmas story but haven't really used the word Nativity with him. Maybe next year :)
If you are doing the ABC's through the year and you are on N week :: CONGRATS! You are halfway done with the year! I hope you all are having such a great year. We are loving it but are for sure ready for a week off to regroup :) ... I am sure you understand.
Thanks for hanging in and for all the feed back!
Happy Schooling!