Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Titus' First Day of School

Titus started pre-school on Monday. He is enrolled in a great private school here in Fort Worth. He is in a two day program and LOVING IT. I, on the other hand, have had a bit harder time with it! You see, I always assumed that we would home school or send our children to a Classical School so they could get a Classical Education. So needless to say, school at three and a half kinda took me off guard! It came much earlier than expected! From 9 to 2 two days a week, its just me in the house. Quiet and calm...or more I prefer (instead of HillsongKids or ClearmontKids) blaring while I work through the HUGE list I need to accomplish before boy #2 comes along. (oh and his name has been keep your eyes open for a post to come!)
For three and a half years its been me and Ty all day, just the two of us...and boy has it been fun! Lots of laughs, lots of hugs, lots of books read and lots of cars played. I have watched him go from an infant to a pre-schooler and I can hardly believe my eyes! Somedays I remember thinking, "oh! for a day with him at school so I can just be." But now it is here and I think about him all day, miss him and anticipate picking him up at his new little classroom. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying this much needed time to organize and revitalize but it has still been an adjustment! So with all that said, here are some pics of his first day!And here is a little clip we made for Titus' cousin Ladan. They are a little over a week apart in age but 1000 miles apart in location! So we send videos back and forth...its so fun!


Andrea Bowman said...

oh my gosh...i almost cried

Phyllis said...

It's 1am as I'm seeing this, but I can't wait to show Ladan tomorrow! Glenna just got wireless internet (as opposed to dial-up) at her house yesterday, so we can actually correspond with the outside world now!!!!!

I can't wait to hear more about preschool, more people in the house, everything you're getting done... and then catch you up on our life. It's funny how much there is to say after just one week of not talking much! And after all of that, we have to DISCUSS OUR STUDY!!!!!! :)

Talk to you soon!

Anonymous said...

How cute. I feel the same way about Honor being in a pre-k class this year. Two days a week from 9:30-1:30. I bound out of the house to come see her as soon as Adam pulls up the car. :) I've got two others to keep me busy during the day, but if one of them is gone it just isn't the same... we are thinking of homeschooling too - I kind of want to get her through kindergarten in our church's program though, just to make sure she is reading well, etc. before I take the plunge. I don't know, we'll see! She saw that video and said, "Look, I think that little boy is like, kind of, going to school." She talks like such a girl! :)

Erin Ward said...

that video is almost heart breaking. I'm sure it's so tough to see him go to preschool.

Shelly said...

Could he be any cuter!?